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What does Magnesium do for you? What doesn’t it do?!

Magnesium is involved in over 300 biochemical processes within our bodies. This means that if you’re deficient in magnesium, your body is unable to do these 300 things effectively. Slightly more troubling, upwards of 80% of us are deficient in this key mineral. Let’s take a closer look at a few important processes that magnesium plays a vital role in.

Lacking sleep? Having trouble getting to sleep? Many of us don’t sleep well. In fact, nearly 50% of older adults have insomnia, with difficulty getting to sleep, waking up early or worse yet, not feeling refreshed when you wake because you didn’t sleep well. This is partly due to our lifestyle factors and changes in your circadian rhythms, but also from a decrease in nutrients. You may have heard that magnesium helps you sleep. Well, you are right! In fact, it’s a key nutrient for sleep that must be eaten or taken in supplements and properly absorbed to get a good night’s sleep.

Magnesium prepares your body for sleep by relaxing your muscles. It also helps to “shut your mind off,” and calms your nerves by regulating two of your brain’s messengers called neurotransmitters that tend to keep you awake. Magnesium is also essential to maintain a healthy ‘biological clock’ & sleep cycle. Getting enough magnesium helps reduce & prevent sleep disorders.

Magnesium can protect your heart! If you’re an athlete, I’m sure you already know that magnesium is important for muscles. So, what about the most important muscle in your body? Lower magnesium in your diet equates with higher risks of heart disease. That’s because magnesium fuels the heart, protects your heart’s pump, prevents heart attacks, and provides elasticity for heart & blood vessels. Magnesium plays an important role in regulating your blood pressure. It relaxes “smooth muscle” cells, meaning those in your veins and arteries, so they don’t constrict the flow of blood. It also regulates other minerals vital to blood pressure.

Magnesium even helps prevent asthma! Shortness of breath? Tight Chest? Trouble sleeping because you’re coughing or wheezing — you know it when you have symptoms of asthma. Magnesium is often used as therapy in hospitals for life-threatening asthma.

Looking to improve your digestion & relieve constipation? Magnesium can do both! But don’t forget to listen to your gut. Rectify a digestion problem before it becomes chronic. Whether you suffer from acid reflux, constipation, gas, bloating or indigestion, the food you eat isn’t being properly processed. This reduces your ability to absorb nutrients from it, and can result in long-term, serious health issues.

Without magnesium, your body can’t perform the “mechanics” of digestion, make hydrochloric acid (stomach acid), make digesting enzymes for processing carbs, proteins and fats, and repair and protect your digestive organs (esophagus, stomach, intestines, pancreas, colon).

As soon as you put food into your mouth, magnesium comes into play. It helps to make enzymes in your saliva that break food down into smaller parts, helping the entire digestive process. The hormones that tell your stomach to produce digestive acid need magnesium to be made; without it, you can’t digest food.

So, if you are looking for a better sleep? Or better digestion? Or constipation relief?

Ewyn Weight Loss Studios PM/BM Magnesium has Exactly What You Need.