The human body consists of approximately 60% water. Water is vital in helping the body function properly and is largely responsible for dissolving nutrients and eliminating waste. When the body fails to eliminate excess water, this is referred to as water retention.
Water retention or edema means that there is excessive water in the tissue of the body which causes the body to swell, especially in the extremities. Fluid retention is often caused by the increase of blood pressure on the veins which adds to the pressure on the capillaries. The irregular changes in the blood vessels are often associated with poor eating habits or eating foods that do you do not utilize properly.
So how does one recognize water retention in the body? It is typically first noticed because of the swelling of extremities. Another indication of water retention is the difficulty to lose weight, despite diet efforts. The physical signs are more evident, however. Physical signs of water retention include swollen ankles and unexplained weight gain over a very short period of time.
It is possible to retain up to 5 pounds of water weight, most of which is stored in the fluid that surrounds the cells throughout the body. Overweight people tend to retain more water because they typically consume more calories and as a result, tend to consume higher amounts of sodium which greatly contributes to water retention.
Sure, “water pills” help you shed the excess water that’s making you feel super bloated—but only temporarily. Once you stop taking them, your kidneys go back to reabsorbing the normal amount of water and salt deemed necessary for your body. You then go back to your previous body weight soon after you stop taking them.
In fact, some water pills may make you gain weight. Yep, you read that right. If you take any type of diuretic over a long period of time, your kidneys will eventually overcompensate for their use and you’ll end up holding on to more water weight than you did before you started taking them.
There are two extensive types of fluid retention. The first one is generalized oedema that is characterized by swellings all over the body (inflammation). The second type is the localized oedema that affects particular body parts (typically in the extremities). This condition is most common in the legs and feet, and can also affect the face, hand, and arm areas.
So how do we reduce water retention safely? One way to reduce water retention is by increasing potassium intake by eating healthy foods such as vegetables and fruits (this is not an endorsement to eat 4 bananas a day). Also, by drinking more fluid (mainly, water).
Skipping junk food and cutting down on processed foods (specifically carbohydrates) that have hidden salt ingredients are also necessary changes.
Eating a higher protein diet will help as protein is an important nutrient in preventing the abnormal changes in body tissues. Eating smaller meals at regular intervals combined with regular movement/walking will also help increase circulation, eliminate waste in the body and reduce excess water.
Improved diet and consistent movement (exercise) are the biggest factors in reducing water weight.
Now, is all water retention supplementation bad? Aren’t some “water pills” less than optimal for you and can cause weight gain? Why would someone want to take Ewyn’s – Fluid Control Plus? Many “water pills” can have some side effects but EWYN’s – Fluid Control Plus is not made like other water pills.
Fluid Control Plus was made to provide mental focus, motivation, fat burning, inflammation reduction & shed some of that excess water weight. The ingredients for water retention are mild, so as not to cause a rebound in weight gain. When used in moderation (we recommend 2 months or less), Fluid Control Plus is great for fighting inflammation & breaking weight loss plateaus.
It’s Exactly What You Need.